Linux Assemblycollection of fast libraries

Package Installation Procedure

LinAsm doesn't use autotools or config files for installations process at all, because its Makefile is too simple and almost has no options. This makes installation process very simple and fast. Below I described how to pass through common steps: to assembly binary file from source code; install shared library into Linux system; and to uninstall or clear the system from LinAsm files, if you wish not to use it for your projects.



To compile the libraries from source code, just type "make". This command will process all assembly files (*.asm) from "source" directory with "fasm" compiler, included into the package. The assembler compiler can be found into "build" directory of extracted source archive.

To allow this file to be launched, please check that a file system, where the source code was extracted, has mount option "exec", and the file "fasm" has appropriate execution permissions. In other case the compiling process will fail.

When compilation complete, you will find shared library file "" inside the root directory of the package. This means that compilation stage was successfully completed and you may start installation process.



To install compiled libraries and their header files, type "make install".

By default, installator uses "/usr/local" directory as the root directory, where all the project files and subfolders will be placed. But you may change this behavior if type "make install prefix=/usr" (or another target directory), instead of standard installation command.

To make dummy installation (not real installation), type "make install DESTDIR=/tmp". This command will not modify any system and previously installed files, but will place all compiled files into "/tmp" directory, repeating directory structure of regular installation. This ability is used to check that installation and compilation processes successfully passed through all steps.



To invoke package uninstalling action, type "make uninstall".

Uninstallation process removes all the files, which were previously installed by package installation procedure. It clears system "include" directory from project's header files and removes shared library file "" from local "lib" directory.

By default it assumes that the package was previously installed into the directory "/usr/local", which is default prefix value. Uninstall script tries to check and clear "include" and "lib" directories from projects files without touching any other system files. If you installed the package into another directory (for example you specified "prefix=/usr"), then you should call uninstall command with the same prefix value which was set for installation.

Example: "make uninstall prefix=/usr". This command will do uninstallation procedure in the same way, like the default command, but checking "/usr" directory instead of "/usr/local" which is default.

Package cleaning

Package cleaning procedure just cleans the directory, where release archive was unpacked, from the files were created by the compilation process.

To make cleaning, simply type "make clean".


In case of any trouble actions or bugs you find during the install/uninstall process, you may mail me to:

and get installation support.

Copyright 2012-2018 Jack Black. All rights reserved.